Lesson, CALL

Age: 7-10 years
Level: Elementary

Grammar: Plurals; This - These/That- Those
Vocabulary:  Things in a classroom (new); parts of body, appearance (familiar active vocabulary)
Speaking: Describing appearance
Writing: Parts of body

1.1 Grammar. Plurals  http://www.anglomaniacy.pl/

open the link http://www.anglomaniacy.pl/nouns-singular-plural-lesson.htm
Here's a flash-rule. Click on buttons "Singular nouns" and "Plural nouns", look at the pictures
Play the game http://www.anglomaniacy.pl/nouns-singular-plural-exercises.htm

1.2 Grammar. This -These/ That- Those learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org
Open a link https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/ru/grammar-practice/these-those
Here's a theory and 2 games, It's better for teacher to explain the rule, reffering to the examples on the website; then children play the games and teacher checks the results

Optional: listen to 2 songs on the Youtube channel:


2. Vocabulary
Play the game and learn new words

3. Speaking

Open the app Playtime (British Council) (it's ok to open it on the only one or two gadgets). There's a story in the section"Shakespeare Lives". Listen to the story, then try to describe the main characters ("Helen has got blue eyes and dark hair. She is slim" etc.)

4. Writing
Open the link and play the game. Try to write the words correctly.Compare the results with other children's scores.

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