вторник, 11 октября 2016 г.

Some useful websites and programms

Rossetta Stone is a programm which allows you to learn different languages starting from any level. But I think it's really useful if you are the beginner, as methods which are used in the programm are  very good for learning simple words and constructions.
Minus: there's no mobile version

For kids (and teachers): http://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/ru -
There're a lot of activities, colourful cartoons, games, exercises and stories, It can help a teacher to make an interesting lesson with different forms of work

Reading and Writing:

http://english-easy-ebooks.com/ - adoptive literature


There're a lot of rules with simple explanation and nice examples.
For kids
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7STes3T0M4F0kuOiExGOtw - nice channel with funny songs. Children  easily remember grammar rules 


Mobile apps:
BBC learning English

For kids
Fun English - contains a lot of differens activities, but there're only two free lessons
Lingokids - feature: there are videolessons in the app
Playtime - cool app of British Council

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